Betekenis van:
balance of power

balance of power
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • evenwicht in verdeling v.d. macht
  • an equilibrium of power between nations


balance of power
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • relatieve verdeling v.d. macht
  • an equilibrium of power between nations



  1. The 2200 MW interconnection between the two regions is too small to allow a completely flexible use to balance each region’s lack or excess of power.
  2. Equipment for hydroelectric power plants comprises a large number of separate components, notably hydroelectric turbines, generators and various other mechanical and electrical parts (known as the mechanical (electrical) balance of plant).
  3. That is why it is necessary to create, within the existing institutional framework and with respect for the balance of power in the Community, a European agency responsible for railway safety and interoperability (hereinafter referred to as the Agency).
  4. Decision 2009/472/EC should therefore be repealed, and political dialogue with the Islamic Republic of Mauritania should be resumed with a view to reinforcing democracy, preventing unconstitutional changes of government, reforming the institutions and the role of the armed forces, good political and economic governance, reinforcing the rule of law and human rights and restoring the balance of institutions and power,
  5. The topics for dialogue referred to in the Dakar Agreement include reinforcing democracy, preventing unconstitutional changes of government, reforming the institutions and the role of the armed forces, good political and economic governance, reinforcing the rule of law and human rights and restoring the balance of institutions and power.